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We have created this informational self-paced course as a way for you to take a step back and truly begin to notice yourself and the elements in your life that are already sharing guidance with you in their own unique ways. 

(50 pages total, 45 pages of instruction)


Each portion of this course contains daily exercises for you to complete/use as a guide as you learn to tune out distractions and tune into the spiritual guidance surrounding you and residing within you.

(Course Add On Tool Kit: Spiritual Tools for Course Exercises is available for purchase here!)

The following topics will be explored:

- Your Spiritual Team

- What Your Bodies Share/The Chakra System 

- Observing Your Surroundings

- Your Shadow Self

- Past Life Work

- Working with Spiritual Tools (Crystals, Essential Oils, Oracle and Tarot Cards)

- Working with your Nightly Dreams

- Channeling Exercises


*Please note: everyone’s spiritual journey is DIFFERENT and UNIQUE. Be patient with yourself as well as with the unfolding of your intuitive and spiritual awareness and abilities. Be open to what manifests in your life and be willing to go with the flow. There is no right or wrong way for spiritual development to occur!



You will be able to download the course immediately after purchase. Please let us know you need assistance in downloading!



Ellen and Kelly 😊

Developing Your Spiritual Awareness and Intuition: Informational Course

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