The Triple Goddess energy guides the cycle of Life and the natural progression of the seasons.
*This meditation was channeled by Kelly from her spiritual team.
"Close your eyes and inhale deeply, imagining white light energy landing on your crown chakra. Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your crown chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your third eye chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your third eye chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your throat chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your throat chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your heart chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your heart chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your solar plexus chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your solar plexus chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your sacral chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your sacral chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your root chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your root chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while visualizing your entire chakra system glowing and pulsing with white light.
When you are ready, imagine yourself sitting in a grassy meadow. The sun overhead is bright and makes the meadow appear golden around you. You are suddenly aware of three women standing in front of you: The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone. The Maiden steps forward and hands you a daffodil. "What path are you being called to follow?" she asks. Breathe deeply and observe what thoughts, colors, memories, or emotions come forward into your conscious mind without judgment. If nothing comes forward, do not judge this. Instead, trust that all will be revealed to you in time. The Maiden places her hand on your third eye chakra and shares golden energy with you. She says, "Trust the path you feel called to follow and grant yourself the gift of change and new beginnings."
She steps back and The Mother steps forward, handing you an orchid. "What do you need to nurture within yourself?" she asks. Breathe deeply and observe what thoughts, colors, memories, or emotions come forward into your conscious mind without judgment. If nothing comes forward, do not judge this. Instead, trust that all will be revealed to you in time. The Mother places her hand on your heart chakra and shares golden energy with you. She says, "As you nurture yourself abundance in all forms grows."
She steps back and The Crone steps forward, handing you Jasmine. "What is ready to be released?" she asks. Breathe deeply and observe what thoughts, colors, memories, or emotions come forward into your conscious mind without judgment. If nothing comes forward, do not judge this. Instead, trust that all will be revealed to you in time. The Crone places her hand on your solar plexus chakra and shares golden energy with you. She says, "Releasing the old with love and gratitude allows for wisdom to be gained to take forward into the next cycle of growth."
The Maiden and The Mother step forward to create a circle around you as all three women hold hands. They begin to glow with golden energy. This energy leaves them and merges with you. Breathe deeply as you feel this energy circulating gently throughout your body. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. A large clear quartz crystal forms just above your crown chakra. In unison, the women say, "What you focus on will be manifested in your life."
You are then surrounded by rainbow light which seals the healing within you. Continue to breathe deeply until you are ready to leave the meditation. As you do so, thank The Maiden, Mother, and Crone energies for their guidance and love."
Blessings in love and light!
Ellen and Kelly