Amethyst Card Pile Mini General Reading:
"As you release what no longer holds true for you as well as emotional and karmic wounds, you will come to a place of forgiveness and deep love for yourself and all you have endured. Do not allow fears and pain of the past to inhibit growth and the forging of new or deeper relationships with yourself and others or experiencing new opportunities. Through healing there is growth. Resolution is coming."
Amethyst Crystal Meaning: calming, spiritual growth, intuition, emotional support
Number One Meaning: unity, strength, new, leadership
Color Purple Meaning: love, nurture, compassion, hope
Aquamarine Card Pile General Mini Reading:
"This is a time of great and limitless potential as the energies of the Universe are working behind the scenes to provide positive opportunities and outcomes for you to support your purpose and highest good. Focus your intention on what you want and allow the Universe to take care of the rest. Have patience and keep a clear vision."
Aquamarine Crystal Meaning: communication, insight, perspective, wisdom, truth, allowing
Number One Meaning: unity, strength, new, leadership
Color Blue Meaning: openness, inspiration, trust, wisdom
Rose Quartz Card Pile General Mini Reading:
"Know that just as surely as love is constantly flowing through and to you that you ARE love and you are eternally supported. Ancestral healing and release are being had at this time. Be patient and kind to yourself as emotions, energies, or memories arise for healing, and place boundaries in order to safeguard yourself while navigating through them or potentially restructuring familial relationships to heal yourself and create a strong foundation free of ancestral karmic energy moving forward. Inner Child work and Root Chakra healing and support are important now."
Rose Quartz Crystal Meaning: unconditional love, emotional support, relationship healing, compassion
Number One Meaning: unity, strength, new, leadership
Color Pink Meaning: love, nurture, compassion, hope
Blessings, love, and light!
Kelly and Ellen