*This meditation was channeled through Kelly from her spiritual team.
1/1/25 Update: Click here to listen to this meditation.
"Imagine that you are lying in the middle of a grassy meadow. The quiet rustling of Nature and animals can be heard around you, but your focus is on the clear blue sky above you. There are no clouds in the sky. As you begin to breathe in deeply and exhale fully, your body feels as if it is sinking into the Earth and you now feel that you are one with the Earth. As you continue to look at the sky above, still inhaling deeply and exhaling fully, you notice clouds begin to form and float by your line of sight. These clouds come in various forms, shapes, and colors. Some bring feelings of happiness and childhood. Some of them form into the shapes of animals that will join you spiritually on your journey. Some of them are dark and appear threatening. However, you simply observe all that crosses your path while your breath remains even and you remain relaxed and at one with the Earth. As the last cloud passes by, the sky is once again cloudless and a gust of wind rains white daisy and red rose petals over you. You close your eyes, still inhaling deeply and exhaling fully.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself sitting on the shore of a beach. As you dig your hands into the sand, you feel the warmth it brings to your body. As you extend your legs toward the water, you feel the coolness it brings to your body. A beam of white light comes down from above and gently lands on your crown chakra, and it is pulled down into your chakra system before being spread out into your being. You feel your body begin to tingle followed by a restless sensation and you know that there are energies and emotions in your being that are asking to be released. You sit with these energies and emotions for several moments. You call each one forward and ask them, "Why have you come forward to be released today? What have I learned from the experience you originated from? How can I heal from the experience you originated from?" You listen to each as they share in whatever form of their choice - color, emotion, memory, words - and willingly decide to keep the wisdom that has been shared since each experience, positive or negative, can be learned from. When you are ready to release the energy or emotion, you say to each, "I thank you for the wisdom you have shared, and I release you with love." As you say this, a wave rushes toward your feet and the water gently pulls the energy or emotion that is being released away from you. As you continue to inhale deeply and exhale fully, you notice how you feel and remember that any emotion you may or may not have is okay. Once there are no more energies or emotions to release, you realize another being is walking toward you on the beach. A member of your spiritual team has sat down beside you. They place their arm around your shoulders and their hand over your heart center. As unconditional love and support fill you, you notice how accepting this energy makes you feel all the while remembering that any emotion you may or may not have is okay. You close your eyes and continue to inhale deeply and exhale fully.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself in a dark stone hallway. While you cannot see anyone beside you, you can feel the presence of your spiritual team member and can even feel that several others have joined and are standing behind you. They are waiting for you to walk forward. You continue to inhale deeply and exhale fully. When you are ready, you step forward and down the long hallway even though you cannot see its end. Your hands brush against the stone wall and you can feel that there are symbols etched into them. With each new symbol that you touch, you feel a burst of energy in your heart center. Suddenly, you step into a large circular room that is brightly lit with the energy of various crystals. You notice the crystals that stand out to you and recognize that these are the stones that will vibrationally assist you during the coming year. A raised circular platform decorated with a star-shaped pattern in the center of the room is glowing with white light energy. You walk forward and step onto the platform. The crystals around the room begin to glow even brighter and a surge of energy comes up from the star on the platform and fills your being, raising you into the air. The ceiling of the room opens in an octagonal shape, allowing rainbow light to wash over you. A tingling in your crown and third eye chakras is felt, you know that your connection and awareness of the spiritual forces guiding you are increasing. You hear in your mind, "You have everything within you that you need to face the coming year. Be at peace and persist, and know that you are helping to pave the way for the Age of Peace and Understanding on Earth. You are surrounded by those who love and support you from many different planes of existence. Focus on yourself, on bringing peace into your own world, and allow your light to shine out to the heavens, into the Earth, and to all life around you." As you are lowered back down to the platform, notice how you feel while remembering that any emotions you may or may not have are okay. You inhale deeply and exhale fully, and then you close your eyes.
When you open your eyes, you find that you are back in the meadow underneath a cloudless sky. As you continue to inhale deeply and exhale fully, you allow yourself several moments to relax in this space while remaining open to whatever messages, emotions, symbols, colors, or pictures that may come into your mind. When you are ready to leave this space you say, "Thank you to all the beings and energies that continue to support and guide me on my journey forward. I strive to live in alignment with my best and highest self during this coming year."