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Kelly Tuck
Aug 12, 20211 min read
Q&A: Animals and the Zodiac
Does the zodiac apply to animals too? Is my dog a Pisces if she was born under that sign? "To a certain extent, yes, however, animals...
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Kelly Tuck
Aug 5, 20211 min read
Q&A: Balancing Doing/Sharing with Self Care
How do I find a balance between doing and sharing all that I want to do with self-care? "The answer to your question here is to become an...
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Kelly Tuck
Jul 27, 20212 min read
What does it mean to be spiritually gifted?
We have been asked this question more than any other from clients in follow-up discussions after receiving readings from us. So, what...
Kelly Tuck
Jul 15, 20212 min read
Q&A: Those on "The Spectrum"
People on the spectrum (currently called autistic but I will be glad when we are all just "human" no matter what) are sometimes deeply...
Kelly Tuck
Jul 6, 20212 min read
Q&A on the Higher Self
What or who is my higher self and how can I connect with it? "Your Higher Self is your soul in its very essence. The Soul. The part of...
Kelly Tuck
Jun 28, 20212 min read
Q&A on Being a "Bad Person" in a Past Life
I have remembered past lives through dreams and regression where I've done some pretty terrible things. Why did I choose to do that? Does...
Kelly Tuck
Jun 25, 20212 min read
Q&A on Exit Points
Could I ask about exit points? I have heard that when a soul incarnates they have different points in their life at which their soul...
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Kelly Tuck
Jun 16, 20212 min read
Q&A on Life Purpose and Where You Live
Does where I live affect my ability to fulfill my life's purpose? "Before physical birth, a blueprint for each soul's life is created -...
Kelly Tuck
Jun 11, 20213 min read
And Just Like That...
Update 8/18/21: Grandma has completed rehab and is back to her old self! 😊 Grandma broke her hip. It was a freak accident - one second...
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Kelly Tuck
Jun 4, 20213 min read
Q&A on Divorce
So, I know we choose our parents for specific reasons (genetic qualities, life lessons we plan with them...). The trend of couples not to...
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Kelly Tuck
May 26, 20211 min read
Q&A on Deceased Loved Ones
"I was actually a little surprised in my mediumship reading that it sounded just like him, JUST like he used to talk, cursing and all. Is...
Kelly Tuck
May 20, 20211 min read
Q&A on Feeling Pets in Spirit
"When my pet died I seemed to feel her more around me than I do now. Is my pet still with me?" "Beloved, after a soul passes on, the...
Ellen and Kelly
May 12, 20212 min read
Q&A on Romantic Soul Mates
"There's so much talk of soul mates and twin flames. Is there only one person for everyone that can truly meet all of their spiritual,...
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Kelly Tuck
May 7, 20214 min read
Need Food for Thought? Chew on this!
* "Chew on This: Fifty-Two Inspirational Points to Ponder" is a book of inspirational short stories by Gary Brock and Kelly Tuck, and is...
Kelly Tuck
May 5, 20211 min read
Q&A on Spiritual Teams for Animals
"If there are guardian angels for every soul...are there guardian angels for every living thing on Earth? From gnats to giraffes?" "Yes...
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Kelly Tuck
Apr 30, 20211 min read
Q&A on Spiritual Teams
"Does everyone have a set spiritual team or do they fluctuate in size and members?" "Yes. Each soul is provided with a team of certain...
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Kelly Tuck
Apr 28, 20212 min read
Q&A on Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
"Many people have loved ones experiencing dementia and Alzheimer's. Is there anything for us to know about where they are, and what we...
Kelly Tuck
Apr 15, 20211 min read
Q& A on Energy Workers Within the Pandemic
"Pandemic restrictions are still in place in much of the world and people are so tired of them. What is the best way for light workers to...
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Kelly Tuck
Apr 7, 20211 min read
Q& A on Past Life Relevance
"As we grow and become more aware of our plan for this lifetime, does the past life that has most relevance on our current life change?...
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Kelly Tuck
Mar 31, 20212 min read
Q & A on Animals
"I know that animals plan their lives here, just like we do, though usually they are here to help humans learn something more than they...
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