Our Recommended Book and Website List
These are books that we have read and sites that we use. We hope you find them helpful!
*We will be adding to this list and to our YouTube Channel’s playlists from time to time. Be sure to subscribe to our sites to stay informed of all updates!
And be sure to check our BLOG for articles on ALL of this topics.
(List last updated 5/4/22)
Dream Interpretation and Dreaming
The Best Dream Book Ever - Kevin Todeschi
Animal Speak- Ted Andrews
Notes from a Dreamer…on Dreaming- Bobbie Ann Pimm
Our Dreaming Mind- Robert L. Van De Castle, PhD
Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill- Jeremy Taylor
Active Dreaming- Robert Moss
Dream Images and Symbols- Kevin Todeschi
The Healing Power of Dreams- Patricia Garfield, PhD
Sleep Paralysis- Ryan Hurd
Edgar Cayce on Dreams- Harmon Bro, PhD
Dream Medicine: Learning How to Get Help from Our Dreams- Henry Reed, PhD
Cloud Nine A Dreamer’s Dictionary- Sandra A. Thomson
(This is our YouTube Channel. It is comprised of our own original videos on dreaming, dream interpretation, and channeled messages, plus a variety of playlists on all of the following topics listed.)
Developing Your Intuition and Psychic Abilities
Who's Knocking on the Headboard?- Kelly Brock Tuck and Ellen Brock
Developing your Spiritual Awareness and Intuition Information Self Paced Course
The Three Only Things- Robert Moss
Sidewalk Oracles- Robert Moss
The Intuitive Heart- Henry Reed, PhD and Brenda English
Trust Your Vibes- Sonia Choquette
(*Check out our 'What is Channeling and How to Get Started' video HERE.)
When Ghosts Speak- Mary Ann Winkowski
Where Two Worlds Meet- Janet Nohavec
Walking in the Garden of Souls- George Anderson and Andrew Barone
Reaching to Heaven- James Van Praagh
Relax, it's Only a Ghost- Echo Bodine
(See Psychic Ability and Mediumship playlist.)
Tarot and Oracle Cards and Numerology
Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot- Fiebig & Burger
Idiot’s Guide The Tarot- Avia Venefica
Teach Yourself Tarot- Naomi Ozaniec
Coloring Book of Shadows Tarot Journal- Amy Cesari
The Illustrated Herbiary w/Oracle deck- Maia Toll
Chakra Wisdom Oracle Guidebook and Oracle Deck- Tori Hartman
Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards w/Guidebook- Denise Linn
Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards w/Guidebook
The Complete Book of Numerology- David A. Phillips, Ph.D.
Crystals and Essential Oils
Essential Oils and Aromatherapy – an Introductory Guide (no author listed)
Crystals for Healing- Karen Frazier
The Crystal Bible- Judy Hall
The Ultimate Guide to Essential Oils- Kymberly Keniston - Pond
Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps- Clemence Lefevre
The Crystal Healer- Philip Permutt
Emotions and Essential Oils- (no author listed)
Edgar Cayce on the Power of Color, Stones, and Crystals- Dan Campbell
(See Crystals and Essential Oils playlist.)
Angels, Spirit Guides, Nature Spirits
Angels, Fairies, Demons and the Elementals With the Edgar Cayce Perspective- John Van Auken
How to Hear Your Angels- Doreen Virtue
Archangels & Ascended Masters- Doreen Virtue, PH.D.
Earth Angels (Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpeople...)- Doreen Virtue
Tree Spirits: Tales and Encounters- Sanna Randolph Thomas, Ed.D
Encyclopedia of Spirits- Judika Illes
Angels: God's Secret Agents- Billy Graham
(See Angels and Spirit Guides playlist.)
Spiritual Guidance
The Gifts of Imperfection- Brene Brown, PH.D.
Sacred Contracts Awakening to Your Divine Potential- Caroline Myss
Entering the Castle- Caroline Myss
Your Soul’s Plan- Robert Schwartz
Many Lives, Many Masters- Brian Weiss
Toward A Deeper Meditation- Edgar Cayce and John Van Auken
(See Abraham Hicks Favorites playlist and Spiritual Guidance playlist.)
Empaths and Highly Sensitive People
The Empath's Survival Guide- Judith Orloff, MD
The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide- Ted Zeff, PH.D.
Self-Care for the Self-Aware- Dave Markowitz
(See Empath's playlist.)
Astrology and Planetary Influences:
The Golden Lake, Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth- Lyssa Royal-Holt
(And any other books by Lyssa Royal-Holt)
Zodiac Signs- HarperEssentials
The Astrology Bible- Judy Hall
The Great Human Potential- Wendy Kennedy
The Only Astrology Book You'll Every Need- Joanna Martine Woolfolk
Our Books!
Chew on This: Fifty-Two Inspirational Points to Ponder- Gary Brock and Kelly Tuck
The Shadows Series (books 1 - 3)- Kelly Tuck
All Bets Off- LH Brock with Kelly Tuck
Who's Knocking on the Headboard?- Kelly Brock Tuck and Ellen Brock
(Visit the Chew on This and Novels pages to learn more!)